9781528703055 - Leather Working - Paul N. Hasluck
9781528703055 - Leather Working - Paul N. Hasluck
Back Cover

Leather Working

With Numerous Engravings and Diagrams

This is a vintage guide to leather working by Australian writer Paul N. Hasluck. It contains easy-to-follow instructions for making a variety of leather items including bags, cases, and even footballs.


Additional information


Paul N. Hasluck


Old Hand Books


Crafts & Hobbies


Home & Garden

Home & House Maintenance

Industrial Chemistry & Manufacturing Technologies


Technology, Engineering & Agriculture


9781528703055, 9781528766623

Formats Available



166, 168

Publication Date

08 February 2018

Dimensions 5.5 × 8.5 in

This is a vintage guide to leather working by Australian writer Paul N. Hasluck. It contains easy-to-follow instructions for making a variety of leather items including bags, cases, and even footballs. “Leather Working” will appeal to DIY enthusiasts and it would make for a worthy addition to collections of related literature. Paul Nooncree Hasluck (1854 – 1916) was an Australian writer and editor. He was a master of technical writing and father of the ‘do-it-yourself’ book, producing many works on subjects including engineering, handicrafts, woodwork, and more. Other notable works by this author include: “Treatise on the Tools Employed in the Art of Turning” (1881), “The Wrath-Jobber’s Handy Book” (1887), and “Screw-Threads and Methods of Producing Them” (1887). Contents include: “Qualities and Varieties of Leather”, “Strap Cutting and Making”, “Letter Cases and Writing Pads”, “Hair Brush and Collar Cases”, “Hat Cases”, “Banjo and Mandoline Cases”, “Bags”, “Portmanteaux and Travelling Trunks”, “Knapsacks and Satchels”, “Leather Ornamentation”, “Footballs”, “Dyeing Leather”, etc. Many vintage books such as this are increasingly scarce and expensive. It is with this in mind that we are republishing this volume now in an affordable, modern, high-quality edition complete with a specially-commissioned new biography of the author. First published in 1901.

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