9781406799026 - Harness: Types and Usage for Riding - John Philipson
9781406799026 - Harness: Types and Usage for Riding - John Philipson
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Harness: Types and Usage for Riding

Driving and Carriage Horses - With Remarks on Traction, and the Use of the Cape Cart

A detailed guide to the harnesses used for driving and carriage horses, with remarks on the use of the cape cart.


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John Philipson


Home Farm Books


Equestrian & Animal Sports

History of Engineering & Technology

Home & Garden


Pets & Animal Care


Technology & Engineering: General

Technology, Engineering & Agriculture


9781406799026, 9781443737241, 9781447486664

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Publication Date

28 July 2006

Dimensions 5.5 × 8.5 in

This vintage book contains a detailed guide to the harnesses used for driving and carriage horses, with remarks on the use of the cape cart, directions for grooms and coachmen regarding their duties, dress, and how to drive a cart. With simple diagrams and a wealth of invaluable information, this volume will be of utility to those occupied or interested in horse-drawn carriage driving, and would make for a fantastic addition to collections of allied literature. Contents include: “Ancient and Modern Methods of Harnessing”, “The Cape Cart”, “Two-Wheeled Carriages With Two Horses”, “The Indian Cart”, “The Cape Cart”, “Cape Cats and Curricles”, “Driving Curricle”, “Heavy Two-Horse Carts”, “Two-Wheeled Cart With Pair of Horses”, and “Directions to Coachmen”. Many vintage books such as this are becoming increasingly scarce and expensive. We are republishing this volume now in an affordable, high-quality edition complete with a specially commissioned new introduction on horses used for sports and utility. This book was first published in 1882.

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