9781447431459 - Gunning Punts - Ralph Payne Gallway
9781447431459 - Gunning Punts - Ralph Payne Gallway
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Gunning Punts

How to Construct, Care for, Manoeuvre and Hunt from Single Handed and Double Handed Punts

This book contains a detailed guide to the hunting of wildfowl with the use of single and double handed punts.


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Ralph Payne Gallway


Read Country Books


Birds & Birdwatching

Hunting & Shooting

Nature & Natural World



9781447431459, 9781528764414

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Publication Date

04 October 2011

Dimensions 5.5 × 8.5 in

This book contains a detailed guide to the hunting of wildfowl with the use of single and double handed punts. Complete with a wealth of extremely detailed diagrams and illustrations, this text is perfect for any level of enthusiast with an interest in punt-based hunting. Chapters included herein are: ‘Gunning Punts – Their Dimensions’, ‘How to Build a Gunning Punt’, ‘How to Arrange the Stanchion Gin and its Belongings in a Gunning Punt’, ‘The Various Methods of Stalking Wild Fowl in Double Handed Gunning Punts’, ‘Sailing to Wildfowl in a Gunning Punt’, ‘One the Selection of a Suitable Locality for Stanchion Gun Shooting’, ‘How to Manoeuvre and Kill Ducks and Wigeon by Day with a Gunning Punt’, and many more. This text has been chosen for modern republication due to its timeless educational value, and it is proudly republished here with a new introduction to waterfowl hunting.

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