9781528722902 - The Herb Grower's Grimoire - Emily Gillis
9781528722902 - The Herb Grower's Grimoire - Emily Gillis
Back Cover

The Herb Grower’s Grimoire

Enter a realm of ancient herbal wisdom with The Herb Grower’s Grimoire, and discover the transformative power of the Earth’s most enchanting plants.


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Emily Gillis


Wyrd Books


Complementary Therapies & Healing


Growing Fruit & Vegetables

Health & Lifestyle

Herbal Medications

Home & Garden

Mind, Body & Spirit

Mysticism, Magic & Ritual

Spirituality & Beliefs

Witchcraft & Wicca


9781528722902, 9781528722919, 9781528798747

Formats Available

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Publication Date

04 September 2023

Enter a realm of ancient herbal wisdom with The Herb Grower’s Grimoire, and discover the transformative power of the Earth’s most enchanting plants.

Journey back in time as you explore the magical and medicinal virtues of thirty garden herbs in a collection of herbal legends, charms, recipes, remedies, and hands-on growing advice. This beautifully illustrated volume reveals the botanical magic of herbs and will allow you to deepen your connection with nature.

Curated from vintage herbals and trusted writings, The Herb Grower’s Grimoire transcends time by bringing centuries of herbal knowledge to your fingertips. Unearthing wisdom from the ancient writings of Pliny the Elder as well as the esteemed works of John Gerard and Nicholas Culpeper, this anthology provides insight into the rich history of herbalist practice.

This unique book will enchant and inform, serving as both a practical guide and a doorway to the world of herbalism.

A floral banner image displaying the front cover of The Herb Grower's Grimoire which is decorated with illustrations of various common herbs and a yellow button that reads coming soon

A square image displaying an interior page from the book that features a detailed illustration of the blue floral herb borage         A square image displaying an interior page from the book that features a deep green and mustard yellow illustration of dandelions        A square image displaying an interior page from the book that features a delicately detailed illustration of the pink floral herb comfrey

A floral square image displaying text that reads Enter a realm of ancient herbal wisdom and discover the transformative power of herbs         A floral square image displaying the front cover of The Herb Grower's Grimoire which is decorated with illustrations of various common herbs        A floral square image displaying text that reads Bringing centuries of herbal knowledge to your fingertips


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