9781528724104 - Moon Phases - Various
9781528724104 - Moon Phases - Various
Back Cover

Moon Phases

A Witch's Guide to the Lunar Calendar

Tune into the natural power of the Moon with this grimoire of lunar magic. Enrich your life and enhance your well-being with spells, herbs, and charms tailored to each phase of the Moon.


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Wyrd Books


Folklore & Mythology

Magic, Spells & Alchemy

Mind, Body & Spirit

Mysticism, Magic & Ritual

Popular Beliefs & Controversial Knowledge

Society & Culture

Society & Social Sciences

Spirituality & Beliefs

Witchcraft & Wicca


9781528724104, 9781528773584, 9781528799966

Formats Available

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Publication Date

28 August 2024

Dimensions 5 × 8 in

Tune into the natural power of the Moon with this grimoire of lunar magic. Enrich your life and enhance your well-being with spells, herbs, and charms tailored to each phase of the Moon.

‘His mother was a witch, and one so strong

That could control the Moon.’

—Shakespeare, The Tempest, 1623

Living by the Moon helps us to tune into our emotions, providing a deeper sense of purpose and connection to the natural world. An essential guide to lunar living, Moon Phases collects both time-honoured and modern practices for harnessing the Moon’s energy. This magical volume features incantations, rituals, and folkloric traditions for each phase of the Moon, as well as herbs and plants that are particularly powerful at each one.

From methods of lunar manifestation and divination to cleansing your energies under the eye of the Full Moon, Moon Phases is the perfect addition to every witch’s library.

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